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Man's Silhouette
Christian Cowboy Poet & Cowboy Humorist

Mark Finley


Newly Released In Book Stores!

Kick A Little Humor Into Christian Cowboy Poetry
Over the Edge: The Adventures of Me n' Ol' Joe

My Story

It was one night in November 2021 when I awakened around midnight with words running through my head.  After an hour or two, the words stopped coming and I returned to a somewhat puzzling sleep.  Although I didn’t understand what happened, I dismissed the experience the next day.  The next night it happened again, and the next night, and the next night and it would not stop.  Totally confused, I prayed to God to help me understand what was happening.  That night, the words began to form lines of poetry about an old cowboy who envisioned heaven while on his deathbed.  The next morning, I wrote “The Rugged Cross Brand” the way God gave it to me.

I didn’t really understand why He had me write the poem so I just saved it in my computer and went on about my daily life.  Several nights later some of the words to “The Reins” came to me and I began writing it the next morning.  Totally confused, I ask my wife if she had any idea of what was going on.  She answered my question with a question, “Do you think God is telling you something and you’re not listening”?  I prayed that He guide me and I would do his calling.


Finally, the picture became clear.  God wanted me to write Christian Cowboy poetry, mostly humorous.  I believe His purpose is for the readers to see how being a Christian can be fun and enjoyable.  I also pray that this book, or one of the poems in this book can touch some readers into believing on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and let him into their lives.

My Books

My Books

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Mark Finley Reading "Life Insurance Salesman"

Kick A Little Humor
Into Christian Cowboy Poetry

You’ve got to be kidding me!!! This Christian Cowboy poetry is absolutely hilarious. Thirty-nine of the poems depict the humorous misadventures of cowboy life while God’s assurance somehow keeps them safe. Reading “The Life Insurance Salesman” will keep you in an uproar of side-splitting laughter while “The Rugged Cross Brand” will likely bring a lump to your throat and a tear to your eye.  Read these poems out loud for extra enjoyment or to a group for lots of laughter.

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Over the Edge: The Adventures of Me n' Ol' Joe

Seems like sometimes a feller has ta' write 'bout stuff that coulda been, mighta been, shoulda been, probably didn't happen, but would be funny if it did happen. So that's what the tall tales in this book are all about.

Ya see it all started out while attending New Mexico State University from 1962 through 1965. I spent quite a bit of time with a fellow agriculture student named Baxter Black. I reminisce on the times Bax and I sat together in the Ag Building café and told tall tales and made-up nonsense yarns. In 1965, I graduated and went on to pursue a Master of Science of Agriculture degree, and Bax left for Colorado State University to pursue a Veterinary Medicine degree.

Baxter later left veterinary practice and made a career writing tall tales and cowboy poetry. One of his major writings was an article named "On the Edge of Common Sense," which appeared in many newspapers and agricultural publications. Eventually, I worked for USDA and wrote a similar article called "Over the Edge" for the agency. I believe both of these articles were inspired by the many times we sat at the Ag Building café and spun these humorous stories. I kept all the stories I wrote, and after many years of pressure from friends and family to publish these stories of the adventures of me 'n' Ol' Joe, I finally agreed. So here to share with you is a collection of these humorous tall tales about two bumbling old cowboys and the not-much-brighter ranch owner who somehow went OVER THE EDGE!


You’ve got to be kidding me!!! This Christian Cowboy poetry is absolutely hilarious. Thirty-eight of the poems depict the humorous misadventures of cowboy life while God’s assurance somehow keeps them safe.


Get in Touch

Born in 1943, Mark Finley lived in San Angelo, TX until 1958 when his family moved to New Mexico. Through high school and college at New Mexico State University, he worked part time on ranches and competed in and clowned rodeos to earn his way through college.

After earning both Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees in Agriculture, he worked as a feedlot cowboy in Red Rock, AZ, then managed ranches in Southeastern New Mexico before beginning an Agricultural Management Specialist career with USDA. He later earned two appraisal accreditations with the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers and became the agency’s Chief Appraiser for Arizona and Hawaii. 

After retiring, he opened his own appraisal business specializing in farms, ranches and commercial ag properties. God called him to compose Christian Cowboy Poetry in December 2021 so he retired to answer God’s calling. He lives in Willcox, Arizona.

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